On the morning of Saturday July 4th, Shannon and I woke to our foster Jack having a seizure. (Read my blog about canine epilepsy) I gave him his medication hoping that would help prevent more. After having multiple episodes throughout the morning we took him to the vet. They gave him a shot of phenobarbital which helped for a few hours. Then around 7 pm he started having them again and they were getting more and more frequent to the point he was having severe seizures every five minutes. I took him to the ER where his temp went from 104 to 110 in 25 minutes despite an IV pumping him with fluids, ice packs and fan on him. They gave him 2 more injections of phenobarbital, each having no effect. Then they tried giving him the animal equivalent of Valium which did not help either.
With Temps hovering around 110 for a prolonged time he was suffering organ and brain damage and was struggling to breath. The medication wasn't controlling the seizures. With little chance of recovery and the vets advise we decided not to prolong his suffering. He passed around 10:15
When we first took Jack in I used him as a subject in a blog posting for KSAT.com
Hoop it Up from William Caldera on Vimeo.