Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Garden Update

time lapse from William Caldera on Vimeo.

It's been quite sometime since I've updated my garden blog. That is because it's been nearly 2 years since I've done anything in the garden, and boy was it a mess when I finally got around to cleaning it out early this spring. The weather has been very nice lately and  I am getting lots of stuff done around the house, including cleaning out the garden, adding a raised bed (hopefully the 1st of many) and BBQ-ing. The  above time lapse was taken over several hours and stops about half way through one day of cleaning the garden and building the raised bed. I added several bags of compost, and garden soil to the 2'x8'x18" cedar box  that is held together with galvanized nuts and bolts. I would have made the box 6" taller but that cedar wood costs as much as gold! Well not quite as much but man its expensive compared to the regular wood at Lowes.   I cheated and bought plants at Lowes instead of growing from seed. Hopefully all the expensive soil and 3 different types of compost will give me lots of fruit this summer.

I also added a drip irrigation system. The soaker hose system I had set up seemed to waste a lot of water and the hoses were always busting. Its late and I will have to continue this post later.