Sunday, May 10, 2009

5-10-2009 Growing progress

Top Row:
  • Onions are growing really big. I need to look up when to harvest them.
  • Sweet corn is about knee high. Three rows of it. Hopefully I won't harvest it to late like I did last year.
  • I was a bit careless with the basil seeds. Now I have basil popping up all over the garden. Cant wait to make Basil pesto, pizza and spaghetti.
  • Pole beans are growing but not quite tall enough to start climbing up the trellis.
  • My jalapeno plants from 2 years ago survived the winter and are popping peppers out every where. You can tell they are ready to pick when they turn dark green. Those veins mean they are HOT!!!
  • The tomato plants have tiny tomatoes about the size of my thumbnail. Its getting pretty hot here already. Hopefully I will get a few tomatoes out of it.
  • The watermelons are coming up. I'm going to allow some to grow underneath the apple tree and try to train some to grow up a trellis.
  • Swiss Chards are about waist high. We need to eat more. We have only cooked with them twice.
  • Bush beans are growing pretty well. Only one row came up though. I wonder if the Swiss Chards shaded the other row to much.
Bottom Row:
  • The strawberries are in a shadier part of the garden. I think they might want more sun light. The berries that are growing are small and the bugs keep eating them.
  • Carrot tops surround a poblano pepper plant. (pix under strawberries)
  • I got impatient waiting for the basil seeds to germinate. I thought they were not going to so I bought one at Lowe's. I'm going to have so much this year. It sells for about $4.00 for a small package at the store.
  • More Jalapenos! I haven't bought Jalapenos in over a year despite giving away as many as I can. I still have a gallon zip lock bag full of peppers in my freezer.
  • Romain lettuce is wilting. They like nice cool weather so I have to hurry up and eat some and let the rest bolt (go to seed)
I put okra seeds I save from last year in 2 rows this morning and I still have 2 empty rows. I got to figure out what to put there. I'm thinking some of the cantaloupe leftover from the curbside garden.
If you are wondering, the stringy stuff all over the ground is pollen from the pecan trees. It makes a huge mess.

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