Friday, April 30, 2010

Volunteer Work

Volunteer Work

      My soon to be wife and I have volunteered with the Hound Rescue since 2008. We became involved with the non-profit organization shortly after adopting our lemon beagle puppy we named Snoopy.  Snoopy was an extremely energetic puppy and no matter how much we exercised her, it just wasn't enough. We wanted to get another dog to socialize Snoopy, but we didn't want to commit to owning another dog for its entire life. We decided fostering would allow us to help get Snoopy the social interaction with another dog that she needed, and help save the lives other animals rescued from high kill shelters.

      After deciding to go back to school to work on a bachelors degree, we reluctantly put a hold on fostering due to the time constraints of working full time, going to school, and trying to keep up with the maintenance on our home.  I was, however, able to keep volunteering for the Hound Rescue in a different capacity. I helped implement and help manage the organization's efforts to utilize the power of social media. I started Hound Rescue's Twitter account, Facebook fan page (now a like page), and YouTube account.  I also created the avatar used on the accounts.

     In addition to managing the Hound Rescues social media efforts, I also donate my photography and video skills to help gain exposure for the group and the available fosters.  I also volunteer at Hound Rescue events such as adoption events at area malls, pet blessings and various other promotional events. I am currently in the process of producing several high quality promotional videos to post to the Hound Rescue's YouTube account.

For more on Hound Rescue, click here or on the link on the top of the page from anywhere in this site 


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