Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Espalier Trellis - Installing the Post - Part 1

Disclaimer: Just like planting the tree, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just doing stuff and hope it works.

First I decided where to put the post. I wanted the trellis to span 10 feet so I decided to put the post about 5 feet from the apple tree.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I originally wanted to get about 2 feet deep but was only able to dig a hole about 1 and a half feet deep This would have been much easier if I had a post hole digger but I didn't want to go buy some just for this.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I filled the hole with about 2 inches of gravel to help with drainage. (not shown) I did not want to use concrete because some say it can have adverse effects on the soil. I put the beam in the hole and put another 2 inches arond it.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

For some reason I thought I needed a 10 foot cedar beam. Once I got it home I realized 8 foot would have been more than enough.

Previous - Semi Dwarf Dorsett Apple Tree
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