Sunday, April 12, 2009

Espalier Trellis - Installing the Cables - Part 2

Once I got the first cable installed and level I added the other two at 15 inch intervals.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I used "U Bolt Wire Rope Clamps" to secure the cable to the eye hooks.

I should have looked at the proper use of clamps but I'm not supporting a ton of weight so I don't think its that important (but then again I have no idea what I'm doing.)

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I didn't screw the hooks in all the way until the cable was attached.
Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

After attaching the cable I screwed the eye hooks in all the way to put tension on the line.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I only did three levels of rope because I ran out of the wire rope. Since my tree is not that tall yet, I'm just going to wait to add the fourth level later.

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