Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Espalier Semi Dwarf Dorsett Apple Tree

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

This is my first ever attempt at growing a tree using the espalier method. In fact this is the first time I have ever planted a tree. Basically I don't know what I'm doing. I am in zone 8b on the north east side of San Antonio. I have several feet of thick clay soil unlike my friends on the NW side that have about 6 inches before they hit rock.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

First I went to Fanicks and picked out a Dorsett Apple tree that has been grafted on to EMLA-111 root stock for only $25. The tree I picked already had several apples growing on it.

I went with the Dorsett over the Anna because it is supposed to be self polinating. The Anna needs another apple tree to produce fruit.

The nursery staff is very helpful and they know their stuff. They recomended adding cotton burr compost to the soil over peat moss. So I did as they suggested.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I planted the tree in my garden along the fence in full sun. I followed the instuctions and planted up to the graft. I topped it off with about 2 inches of pine bark mulch to keep the weeds out and conserve moisture.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

For the main support, I drove an electrical conduit pipe in the ground and tied the tree to it using pantyhose.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

Next I have to make a trellis to train the limbs on.

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