Sunday, April 12, 2009

Espalier Trellis - Installing the Top

When I tightend the guide wires, the posts tilted inwards (probably since they are just in the dirt.) I wasn't planning on adding a cross beam but the guide wires were to loose. I had to make a trip to Lowes to get a 2x4x10 (you should see that fit in my 2003 Nissan Sentra) to make a cross beam.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I leveled out the cross beam and then used some left over decking screws I had laying around to fasten it.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I used my jig saw to cut "wings" out of cedar fencing plank.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

I did not use anything to fasten the wing. They should hopefuly stay in place but I can nail them down if I need to.

Dorsett Apple, Espalier, gardening, How to, red cedar, Semi Dwarf, South Texas, Support post, Trellis Installing

<-- Previous Espalier Trellis - Installing the Cables - Part 2

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